LifestyleMidday Maryland


UnitedHealthcare - Diabetes Awareness


Diabetes, and more specifically type 2 diabetes, is a chronic condition that affects millions of Americans. Given its prevalence, it’s important to understand the possible risk factors and how healthy lifestyle habits and treatments can help both prevent and improve type 2 diabetes.

One of the most important prevention tips is to maintain an active lifestyle and healthy diet. That includes eating lean proteins, nutrient-rich vegetables, and having a balanced portion of carbohydrates.

If you do have diabetes, check with your employer or health plan, as there are many wellness programs and virtual care options available. For example, through the UHC Level2 program, eligible employees have access to a continuous glucose monitor and a care team of doctors, nurses, coaches and registered dietitians who work with them one-on-one to support their journey.

Learn more about the Level2 program here.