LifestyleMidday Maryland


UnitedHealthcare - Hydration Tips


Summer is in full swing here in Maryland and with rising temperatures comes an increased risk for dehydration. With so many different hydration tips out there, it can be difficult to know which ones to follow.

Your hydration needs vary with your lifestyle, but typically people should drink 12-16 cups of water per day. Signs of dehydration include thirst, dry skin, dry or sticky mouth, headache, and muscle cramps. These symptoms can crossover with serious conditions like heat exhaustion or heat stroke.

It can be difficult to make sure kids are staying hydrated - they're always on the move and might not want to stop for rest and water. Try to have them take four gulps of water every 15 minutes, give a small salty snack every 30-45 minutes, and consider options like smoothies and popsicles to make hydration more appealing.

Find more tips here.