LifestyleMidday Maryland


UnitedHealthcare - Mental Health Awareness


Across the country, May is observed as Mental Health Awareness Month serving as a reminder to us all to pay attention to our own wellbeing, check in on loved ones and take a more active role in our mental health care.

Since March 2020, society has been gripped by a global pandemic that has changed the lives of millions. Women, children, seniors and multi-racial adults have reported the highest rates of poor mental health. To help break the stigma surrounding mental health, it's important to talk openly about our struggles with those we trust to better normalize mental health and share resources and educational information whenever possible.

Common signs of mental health issues include constantly feeling sad or down, feeling helpless or hopeless, loss of interests, confusion and the inability to concentrate, excessive worries or fears, extreme mood changes of highs and lows, withdrawal from friends or family, problems with excessive alcohol or drug use, and extreme changes to sleep or eating habits. If you feel like you or a loved one need help, speak with your family doctor or your insurance provider for a list of professionals in your area.

Learn more here.