LifestyleMidday Maryland


UnitedHealthcare - Senior Isolation


Older adults are at increased risk of loneliness and social isolation, and this can have detrimental effects on their overall well-being. Losing a close friend or family member, retiring or experiencing a change in familiar roles can be particularly challenging without the support of social connections.

Social isolation significantly increases a person’s risk of premature death from all causes, a risk that may rival those of smoking, obesity, and physical inactivity. Isolation and loneliness can also lead to an increase risk of medical and mental health conditions like high blood pressure, heart disease, anxiety and depression, and more.

Check on the seniors in your life often, and be aware of the signs of isolation. These include changes in eating, sleep, or routine, unexplained aches or pains, and feelings of helplessness or depression.

Learn more here.

Read the study here.