LifestyleMidday Maryland


Yakult Probiotics


Our digestive system is where good health and proper nutrition begin, and probiotics can play a big role in maintaining good gut health.

Yakult is a Probiotic drink originally created in Japan in 1935. Yakult Probiotic Drink is made with fermented dairy and contains billions of Live and Active Probiotic cultures of the L. paracasei Shirota strain. The strain is named after Yakult company founder, and it is what makes Yakult unique and special. The L. paracasei Shirota strain is supported by more than 85 years of research and a strong consumer following.

Yakult comes in a convenient size that makes getting your daily dose easy - drink before or after meals or as a great on-the-go snack. It tastes great and contains no artificial ingredients.

Yakult is available at many major grocery stores. Learn more and find Yakult near you here.