In a world where day to day life can be taxing, one young man learned to create the reality he wanted to live.
In today's edition of Bridging the Gap, we introduce you to Visual Artist Kyle Yearwood, a Morgan State University Alumnus.
After suffering from his own battles with self-love and self-confidence, his art became a way for him to visualize the reality he wanted to see. Yearwood has taken his love for art and used his skills to teach and guide current MSU students during their path to figuring out who they are in hopes to enlighten them on ways to inspire others.
When asked to describe his unique style of artwork, Yearwood says, "It is surrealistic photomanipulation turned in to animation. My artwork is a representation of black excellence. It really shows black people in their highest power.”
While Yearwood already had a large following on various social media sites, his following reached new heights after H&M released a controversial ad showing a black boy wearing a hoodie with the words "Coolest Money in the Jungle." As many were calling for a boycott of the clothing retail-company, Yearwood decided to transform the ad with art.
“I knew I could take it and turn it into something more representative of black people,” said Yearwood.
He replaced the controversial phrase with the word "Royalty", a crown on his head, and an ankh on his chest.
Yearwood considers himself a part of Black History and plans to continue to use his art to Bridge the Gap.