

Biden promotes incentives to push vaccination rate to 70 percent by July 4th

Giveaways include free donuts, tickets, and beer
and last updated

BALTIMORE, Md. — The White House is calling June a “National Month of Action” to get 70 percent of Americans vaccinated with at least one shot by Independence Day.

Free sports tickets, free beer, and even free child care are just some of the things being offered to encourage people to get vaccinated.

It's not a coincidence the president chose the day America celebrates its freedom as a target date as many people want to be free from COVID restrictions, mask wearing, and the virus itself.

Twelve states including Maryland already have met the president's goal, and two states have passed it with 80 percent vaccinated, while six other states have yet to reach 50 percent their of their adult population with one shot.

Deaths from COVID now average less than 400 people per day, but the president warns they numbers aren't falling in places where vaccination rates are low.

Many companies and organizations are teaming up with the White House to boost the numbers by enticing Americans to get their shots with something free in return.

The list includes everything from free airline tickets, free donuts, and free X-boxes.

Plus, Black owned barbershops and beauty salons will offer “Shots at the Shop.”

Many businesses are offering incentives for their employees and customers to get vaccinated.

Uber is offering free rides to vaccination sites.

The YMCA is offering free child care for parents and guardians during their vaccination appointments.

President Biden hopes there are enough incentives to reach his 70 percent goal.

“If you're thinking that the side effects from the shot are worse than the COVID or that you can't just take a chance, you're, you're just dead wrong," Biden said.

“Get a shot and have a beer. Free beer for everyone 21 years or over to celebrate the independence from the virus," Biden added.

About 63 percent of the country has been at least partly vaccinated to date.

A list of vaccination incentives can be found here.