

Board of Estimates approves $3 Million to close the Digital Divide amongst the youth

baltimore city money
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BALTIMORE — On Wednesday, the Board of Estimates unanimously approved a $3 million transfer from the Baltimore Children & Youth Fund to Baltimore City Schools for distance learning technology in the wake of the COVID-19 public health emergency.

“The COVID-19 pandemic continues to make Baltimore's pre-existing inequities and disparities, including the digital divide, starkly clear,” said Baltimore City Council President Brandon Scott. “This money will be put to good use to meet the immediate educational needs of our young people during this unprecedented time and ensure that they have the resources to continue their studies and work toward their future.”

On April 7, Council President Scott called for the use of the Children & Youth Fund to mitigate the worst effects of the COVID-19 emergency and meet the technology needs of students.

Last month, the City Council passed emergency legislationthat authorized up to $13 million from the Children & Youth Fund to close the digital divide and provide needed access to food.

“This is a huge victory for our children,” said Council President Scott. “I was honored to co-sponsor the legislation creating the Youth Fund, and seeing this money allocated to our students in this time of need comes full circle for me.”