

Everybody Is At Risk public awareness campaign launched to prevent spread of COVID-19

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BALTIMORE — The coronavirus pandemic is impacting African American communities at a higher rate in Baltimore City.

The housing authority launched a public awareness campaign to prevent the spread COVID-19, its called Everybody Is At Risk.

The goal is to inform and educate residents about the importance of practicing social distancing at all times.

The agency also wants residents to know the virus does not discriminate.

"The campaign is vital especially to our families because we serve about 99% of our residents are African American and that community they're being hit the hardest. So this campaign is really important because we want them to really practice not only the social distancing but also all the other important steps washing your hands and making sure you’re wearing a mask and just all those-making sure your sanitizing your home and making sure that your children are safe." said Janet Abraham of the HABC Social Distancing Campaign.

The agency has placed 250-yard signs throughout all of its communities to remind residents to remain six feet apart.

It is also working to reduce rent for residents.