

Made in Baltimore: Businesses helping make personal protective equipment

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BALTIMORE — The need for critical personal protective equipment for first responders, healthcare providers and essential workers continues throughout the pandemic.

On Wednesday, Baltimore City Mayor Jack Young announced names of nine local businesses selected to help meet that need.

As part of the $50,000, personal protective equipment manufacturing fund these businesses will receive grant money to produce PPE gear listed on Maryland’s critical needs list.

The city selected, Sew Lab USA and Quality Mask Supply to produce face masks.

Custom 3D Maryland Therma-form and Wills Printing will produce face shields.

Mount Royal Soap Company and Louthan Distilling will produce hand sanitizer.

Also, Different Regard and City-wide Youth Development will produce gowns and hazmat suits.

"The PPE Grant Fund was created to help these businesses purchase the materials and the equipment needed to spin up these new operations, and to bring their employees back to work.”

Mayor Young said more than 50% were awarded to women or minority owned businesses.