
"Drive sober, be aware" MDOT cautions drivers and pedestrians out on Halloween

"Drive sober, be aware" MDOT cautions drivers and pedestrians out on Halloween

Though Halloween may be a "celebration" of the scary and ghastly, the Maryland Department of Transportation hopes drivers and pedestrians don't experience such horrors on the roads due to drivers under the influence.

MDOT officials are urging everyone on the road during Halloween to stay alert and drive sober.

More than 17,200 people have been killed or injured in drug or alcohol involved crashes during the past five years, MDOT said. One in five traffic deaths is a Maryland pedestrian, MDOT said. To curb further injuries, law enforcement agencies across the state are adding DUI patrols. 

Each year, about 20,000 DUI arrests are made in Maryland, with penalties including court costs, fines, lost time at work, mandated classes, enrollment in Maryland's ignition interlock program, and surging insurance costs or loss of insurance, MDOT said.

Drivers are urged to slow down, especially at intersections, and to keep aware of pedestrians, particularly trick-or-treaters. Those out enjoying the holiday or collecting candy should make sure they are visible to drivers, wearing bright colors or reflective outfits.