
As city prepares for thousands, WMAR-2 News checked for increased police in city

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Thousands are expected to be in downtown Baltimore this weekend for Fleet Week and other events.

And after last weekend's string of deadly shootings, you can expect to see more officers.

WMAR-2 News drove around neighborhoods where those crimes happened checking to see if more patrols were on the streets.

"I'll be glad when this city finally calms down," said Leslie Daniels, who lost her cousin in last week's violence.

He was one of seven killed in Baltimore's streets last weekend.

"We need a new commissioner.  We need a chief of police that’s really going to do something.  We need a mayor that’s going to get really active in the communities," Daniels said.

WMAR-2 News went through the seven neighborhoods where those victims were killed last Saturday and Sunday looking for extra patrols.  In Northeast on Balfern Avenue, a man was killed.  Not far away on Sinclair Lane, another man was shot and later died, no surplus of police was found.

"People in the area are just mad they have nothing to hope for," Daniels said.

In the Eastern District, that's where we found Daniels.  She was sitting quietly on her friend's front porch hoping for change.

"It's enough to make your heart cry.  Not just break but cry."

Balloons adorned a pole, marking the death one of two people killed in Southwest.  

"Folks have to realize there's no panacea for this. if they think that the police department itself is going to solve violence in the city they're wrong," said Councilman Brandon Scott.

One thing we didn't see was an influx of police Friday evening.  But this week, Baltimore police stressed the need for more patrols and temporarily banned officer time off.

Scott continued, "We had a deadly month.  We can't see another weekend, another day at the rate we're going.  I think that's why it's important to try to put as much pressure on the police department to change up the strategy and make sure they're targeting the folks with the guns."

In the city's central district where the Inner Harbor attracts thousands; WMAR-2 News did see police, but not more than usual for a busy Friday night. Brian Weaver and his son weren't scared away from Fleet Week weekend because of the recent crime.

"I'm not going to change my behavior, we always want to come in and see the Blue Angels or the Thunderbirds.  My kids always like coming to Baltimore, we always grab a meal in the city.  If you give in to the violence in the city, then people sort of give up.  Then they win," Weaver told WMAR-2 News.

Police are asking everyone to report any suspicious activity and remember you can always stay anonymous.