

Police: 16-year-old wanted for murder


Baltimore City Police have a 16-year-old boy in custody in connection with a double-murder in West Baltimore.

On Saturday, police say Troy Bradner walked up to a car on West Lafayette Avenue, and shot 20-year-old Anthony Daniels and 15-year-old Quindell Ford to death.

Investigators believe Bradner had previously been robbed by at least one of the victims.

“The motive was he had a prior robbery. Retaliation for a prior robbery,” said Maj. Donald Bauer of the Baltimore City Police Department.

Police say they found another gun in the victims' car.

Calls from the public helped police find Bradner, who is being charged as an adult.

“We developed information from the community and from a witness along with some text messages that our suspect sent to a corroborating witness,” Maj. Bauer said.

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