

Two men sentenced for burning cars during riots


Two men were sentenced Friday for burning cars during the Baltimore riots a year ago. 

Keon Brown was sentenced to four years in prison after he pleaded guilty to first degree malicious burning. Another man, Keith Riggins, was convicted of conspiracy to commit first degree malicious burning after a witness identified him on video, and sentenced to two years in prison.

On April 27, 2015, a large crowd began rioting and breaking windows at the intersection of Pennsylvania and North Avenue. Maryland Transit Authority officers responded to secure the Penn North Metro Station. 

The officers were attacked by rioters who attempted to turn over and set their vehicles on fire. Closed circuit TV footage showed Riggins and Brown at the back of one of the vehicles. Riggins admitted to passing lighter fluid and paper to Brown, who then started the fire. 

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Police said $40,000 worth of damage was caused.