
Two officers scheduled to stand trial on task force corruption case


Detectives Daniel Hersl and Marcus Taylor are scheduled to stand trial on Monday morning at 10:00 a.m. at the Federal Courthouse in downtown Baltimore. 

They are the two remaining officers of the nine indicted to not plead guilty. 

Detectives Momodu Gondo, Evodio Hendrix, Jemell Rayam, Maurice Ward, and both Sergeants Tom Allers and most recently Wayne Jenkins have pleaded guilty. 

RELATED: Supervisor of Gun Trace Task Force pleads guilty

According to federal indictment all officers who are part of an elite gun unit named in the Baltimore Police Department, named the Gun Trace Task Force, engaged in robberies, extortion and time and attendance fraud.  According to the superseding indictment, beginning in 2011, the defendants stole money, property, and narcotics by detaining victims, entering residences, conducting traffic stops, and swearing out false search warrant affidavits. 

The U.S. Attorney's Office says jury selection will begin Monday morning followed by the trial, which is scheduled to last three weeks. U.S. Attorney's Office representatives say it is unclear if a pending government shutdown could affect this corruption trial.