
Unborn baby and woman killed in double shooting

Second shooting victim was seven months pregnant
and last updated

Along Park Heights Avenue in Northwest Baltimore Monday, a squad car stands watch and tip posters wallpaper the light poles almost in defiance of the spray-painted message on a nearby brick wall of “No shoot zone.”

RELATED: Woman dead, pregnant woman injured in Park Heights double shooting

Jasmine Chandler was shot and killed in her car here last night.

Mia Robinson was shot as well, she has survived so far but her unborn baby of seven months died this morning.

"It definitely is heartbreaking to even think, or have the idea that this child could never be one of these children right here that you see in this picture"

Because now Yeshiyah Israel must mourn the loss of youth she never had a chance to help.

A business owner here in this block, she runs an annual toy drive and then summer camp for the kids of Park Heights.

She wants to turn this community around and she sees youth as the key.              

"It is awful, it's sad. The child didn't even have an opportunity to even know what life is all about," Israel said.

And so now the search is on.

Who would gun down two women in a car? Who would fire at a pregnant woman? Who could have the murder of an unborn child on their hands?

"We have flyers that we've posted in the community today and we're hoping that someone would have seen something,” Baltimore Police Detective Jeremy Silbert said, “Park Heights and Belvedere is a pretty busy intersection and this was 5 o'clock on Sunday evening so we are asking anyone with information to give us a call."

Specifically, police are asking for your help in identifying any of the men in photos released Monday afternoon.

Police say they are not necessarily suspects and they have stopped short of calling them persons of interest, but they need their identities and want to know what they may know.