ANNAPOLIS, Md. — If this election season you are quarantined or in the hospital, there are still ways to vote in Maryland.
Here's how to do it according to the Maryland State Board of Elections.
First someone needs to bring the hospitalized or quarantined voter a ballot request form.
The voter then has to fill out this Designation of Agent form , which gives that person permission to handle and deliver all the voter's election paperwork.
Once complete, that person needs to take the ballot request and agent forms to the local board of elections in the voter’s county of residence.
The local board then provides the designated representative with a ballot packet, which then has to be brought back to the voter.
The voter then has to fill out the ballot, put it in the provided return envelope, sign the voter oath and seal it.
In cases where the voter needs help filling out the ballot and signing the return envelope , their representative may assist but must complete the Certificate of Assistance form included in the ballot packet.
Once all that is done, the authorized representative can cast the ballot using any of the three options below.
- Dropping it in an authorized ballot drop box in the voter's county of residence.
2. Turn the ballot in to the voter's local board of elections office in person.
3. Mail it in to the Maryland Board of Elections, postmarked on or before November 3.