
People care about the election in varying degrees

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BALTIMORE — People care about the election in varying degrees.

Some people are taking a deep breath, handling it well and waiting out a result.

While others are having trouble balancing the weight and uncertainty of it all, on top of everything else going on in the world.

As we all watch the tight race for president— people on both sides are feeling the impact.

Nathan Porter is a student at Towson University who just voted in his first presidential election.

He said he’s been texting with his friends to check on them throughout the process, but understands it may take a while before we see a result.

“Anxiety has remained steady ya know I definitely can tell we might be waiting a couple more days perhaps maybe a couple weeks for a result,” Porter said. “I’m a full time student over at Towson so I’m just trying to focus on my own bubble.”

Amy Greensfelder, the Executive Director at the Pro Bono Counseling Project, said people should remember the acronym PVMC.

P stands for put your phone down and V is for vision.

“Take some moments to look away if you’re at your computer if you’re at your computer,” Greensfelder said. “Take some time to make your vision further afield than what’s right in front of your face. You can take that figuratively too of looking beyond what’s in front of you.” The M is the media, don’t obsessively refresh and scroll.

C is for connecting with people.

In some instances, it may be okay to connect with people who have differing political views than you or who you’ve grown distant from because of the election.

“If you find that their view is so different then your own, you’re going to get further by listening and asking questions for understanding,” Greensfelder said. “Asking questions in the way that might help lead the conversation you might like it to go than you will from trying to rebut arguments and debating. “

While there are resources, people don't always reach out for help.

Greensfelder said fewer people called their hot-line Wednesday, and that’s because they need time to gather their thoughts and they may not prioritize their mental health.

Desmond Tarver just wants the election to be over with- so the stress isn’t getting to him but he sees how it’s affecting those around him.

“I actually went to dinner last night and a lot of people were antsy,” Tarver said. “A lot of people were on their phones every second. That’s where I get my information from them. If you have 25 people around you actually focused on it, I don’t have to focus on it.”

If you feel like you need someone to talk to the best way to get a hold of ProBono Counseling is by calling them or heading to their website.

They are a free service but as a nonprofit they depend on donations.

Click here for more information.