

Nordic walking a new way to get fit, save your joints


If you are looking for something new to get your heart rate up without the strain on your joints, you might want to try Nordic walking.

Nordic walking uses special poles to guide walkers.

"Nordic walking is just adding poles to a walk but it has a very specific method that adds to the aerobic part of it and also takes about 30 percent of the impact off of all the joints in the body," said Molly Lay, a certified Nordic walking instructor.

In general, walking comes with many benefits - it can improve your circulation and sleep, strengthen muscles, put you in a good mood, and it can also increase your life span, according to the Arthritis Foundation.

A fitness instructor for more than 25 years, Lay says years of physical activity can be tough on your body, and Nordic walking is a good low impact option to help keep you moving.

"The poles take the stress off my knees and also adds about 30 to 40 percent of extra work because of pushing down on the poles," said Gary Greenwald, 66.

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