

BPD investigating teen's arrest caught on video


Police arrested a teen outside his home as they were patrolling the area Saturday night.

Baltimore City police said that they were monitoring the neighborhood and a particular house Saturday evening. After seeing what they thought was suspicious activity, they approached the home.

The rest is caught on video. Antonio McLaurin, 18, started recording from inside his cousin's house, when a back-up officer grabbed his cousin and pulled him out of the home. He was arrested on the sidewalk.

The teen was charged with disorderly conduct, but as the video began to circulate, Baltimore Police suggested dropping the charges and the state's attorney has agreed.

The mother of the teen who recorded the interaction is a former Baltimore police officer. She said she is trying to raise her son to respect police, but instances like this continue to make it hard.

The Baltimore Police Department is investigating the police officer and lieutenant on that scene. 

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