BALTIMORE — More summer fun is coming to children and teens in Baltimore. Thursday, city officials have launched the B’More Summer Information Hub.
The hub is designed to provide Baltimore families access to the thousands of summer camps, job opportunities and programs in Baltimore.
“Our young people deserve access to safe, affordable, and engaging opportunities during the summer months,” said Mayor Brandon Scott. “From starting their first job and learning new life skills through programs like Youthworks to building new friendships at one of the thousands of summer camps in the city, summer is a time of exploration, growth, and new and exciting adventures for Baltimore’s young people.”
Some organizations providing summer opportunities include:
- Baltimore City Recreation and Parks manages almost 3,000 summer camp spots.
- Youthworks provides over 6,500 summer jobs to young people aged 14 to 21.
- Baltimore City Schools will offer more than two dozen summer program alternatives across the system, including two virtual options.
- Expansion on programs like summer SNAP.
In addition, the Mayor also announced the start of "B'More Lit", a new summer event series established in collaboration with DTLR. The series will begin on May 28 and include live performances by local artists, free food, vendors and other activities for teenagers.
The B'More Lit series will take place in various places across the city.
“BCYF is honored to make an investment in older youth who are often overlooked and lack access to out-of-school time enrichment,” said Alysia Lee, President of the Baltimore Children & Youth Fund. “These young people are close to or in the beginning phases of adult-hood and they need to know they still have the support of their city and its institutions.”