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Candidate for Baltimore City Council President calls for resignation after ballot delays

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BALTIMORE — While a number of voters started receiving their ballots for the June 2nd Primary, many voters in Baltimore City are still waiting and checking their mailboxes.

The State Board of Elections says it mailed out those ballots just this past Friday and voters should receive them no later than the end of this week. The state originally said the ballots went out on May 8.

"The biggest thing for me is the coverup of it all," said Carl Stokes. "Not being straight forward and truthful about it.

Stokes is running Baltimore City Council President. In a press release he called for the resignation of a top state administrator with the Board Of Elections.

"This is not the first time there's been a mishap," said Stokes. "You would think they would get this right. Voters are concerned. They want to get this right. They realize this is something that's never been done before in such a mass way and they want to get it right. They want time to get the ballot, to read the instructions and get the ballot back on time."

WMAR 2 News contacted Maryland State Board of Elections regarding Stokes push for a resignation.

"I won't comment on that," Elections Deputy Administrator Nikki Charlson. "What we are focused on is making sure voters have their ballots."

Charlson said mail-in ballots should be received by Baltimore City voters starting today.

"We did plan for a little cushion in the schedule in case something unexpected happened. We are still confident that voters will get their ballots in time to vote."

Once the ballots are received they should be filled out and mailed in by June 2nd.

Any eligible voter who does not receive a ballot in the mail may submit a ballot request to or call 1-800-222-8683.

You can also visit the State Board of Election website by clicking here.