KENT ISLAND, Md. — Today's Yesterdays is a consignment shop on Kent Island. With the local economy pressures and the pandemic shutdown, that crippled their business. With almost 2 decades of business experience behind them it was still challenging to re-open.
"It was still difficult when we opened back up, because people were afraid."
Now, trying to get people back in to the shop they mad some adjustments. They stopped selling clothes and concentrated on house hold goods, knick knacks, jewelry and furniture. Now there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
"It's slowly developed developed back into where we were trying to get to."
Margaret's daughter, Lettie Weldon, runs the store with her mother. Weldon and her mother have seen other local consignment shops suffer.
Small business Saturday is about helping small businesses. When it comes to consignment shops, not too many businesses rely on the locals more than them.
"We count on our locals to bring us items and then we count on our locals to buy the items and so we are very dependent, very, very dependent on the community."
Margaret has been through a lot during these trying times and her background will definitely help her.
"I come from a family of strong women," she said.
And that strength will be tested in the coming months.