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Gov. Hogan signs 79 bills into law after a late finish to the session

Governor Larry Hogan State of Emergency to End Announcement 6-15-21
and last updated

ANNAPOLIS, Md. — Balloons and confetti are released to signify the ending of the 2022 session, a celebration not seen in the state house since 2018.

"Thank you for being here today," said Gov. Larry Hogan.

Governor Hogan, with House and the Senate leaders, signed 79 bills into law just a few hours after a late night finish to the session. An ambitious and costly climate change bill passed that will go into law without Hogans signature. The Governor felt the bill will be too costly for business and Marylanders.

Reforms were made for how juvenile suspects are interrogated or incarcerated.

"I would say this has been our most successful session yet. We enacted largest tax cut package in state history," said Hogan.

Hogan was able to get 2 billion dollars in tax cuts for Marylanders. A bill that failed the last five years passed giving tax cuts to those 65 or older. President Ferguson was pleased with a mental health bill.

"It truly is. The most important impact post Covid is going to be how this experience has impacted each and every one of us and how we see the world," said Bill Ferguson, President of the Maryland Senate.

Rounding out the more impactful bills is a bill that makes Ghost Guns illegal and another bill that creates an insurance program that employers and workers contribute to for 12 weeks of medical or family leave. Also, you get to weigh in on the legality of recreational marijuana in the fall election as it will be on the ballot.

So for now, delegates and senators head back to their local districts for campaigning. Who will be back next year, nobody knows for sure. What we do know, whoever is back here for the 2023 session will have a new governor to deal with.