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Governor anticipates "worst surge" in hospitalizations with Omicron variant


There are 1,257 people in Maryland hospitals with COVID-19, a number that's expected to rise.

“I would say in the next couple days Omicron is going to be the dominant variant in our state," said Governor Larry Hogan on Fox News Sunday morning. "We are anticipating in the next three to five weeks probably the worst surge we’ve seen in our hospitals throughout the entire crisis."

Despite the concern, Governor Hogan stressed he is not considering a lockdown. He just wants to continue to encourage people to get vaccinated and for those already vaccinated, to get boosted.

90.8 percent of Marylanders are vaccinated. Governor Hogan is focusing on getting the remaining 9.2 percent vaccinated.

So no lockdowns, no mandates and he doesn't want to see kids go back to remote learning.

Prince George's County is making that move and the Governor thinks it's a huge mistake.

"If there's a particular outbreak in a classroom or in a school and you want to ramp up testing and make sure we keep those people safe, but shutting down an entire school system of kids that have already struggled with distanced learning for nearly a year, it’s just outrageous and wrong."