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Guatemalan National sentenced to 27 years in federal prison for sex trafficking


BALTIMORE — A U.S. District Judge sentenced 43-year-old Feliciano de Jesus Diaz-Martinez to 27 years in federal prison.

Also know as Alex, he has been charged for the sex trafficking of a child, fraud and coercion, and distribution of controlled substances. Diaz-Martinez, has been in custody since his indictment on July 25, 2019.

Evidence from his nine day trial revealed that from at least 2016 through May 2019, he caused at least eight individuals to engage in commercial sex acts. One of the victims continued to work for Diaz-Martinez until she was 18-years-old.

The evidence also showed that nearly all of his victims suffered from serious substance abuse disorders. These include addictions to heroin, crack cocaine, and xanax.

Diaz-Martinez kept a network of friends and associates who paid to engage in sex acts with these victims. His customers would receive pictures of the victims available.

The victims would then be taken directly to his customer's homes or to hotel rooms he rented for these sex acts. He also rented a storage unit to commit sex acts as well.

Witnesses also testified that Diaz-Martinez had several different social media accounts to recruit and communicate with new victims. Many of these included users he never met.

Several victims testified that if they didn't perform sexual acts that met his satisfaction, he would retaliate by abandoning them on roadsides or at customer's homes.