BALTIMORE — Support and words of remembrance continue to pour in for Jhosy Portillo who was shot and killed Tuesday on the city's southeast side.
"My heart feels for his two sisters no longer have a brother and for his sweat parents," said Mary-Louise Laylock.
Laycock is Portillo's former soccer and track coach at Highlandtown Elementary/Middle School No. 237 . She said Jhosy could always put a smile on your face.
"Everybody has memories of Jhosy just making them laugh," she said. "He was very funny. Very light spirited."
WMAR spoke to Jhosy's mother Cristina Thursday through a translator.
She told us she's currently finalizing her son's funeral.
In a message on GoFundMe, she wrote in both English and Spanish:
"Hi all,
On Tuesday August 17, 2021 my son was shot and killed in Baltimore. It very hard times at this time for me as a mother. My son was just 15 years old and leaving behind two twin sisters. My son would have attended Digital Harbor High School in the upcoming school year. I was looking forward for him to start his high school year and now planning his funeral. I'm asking you if you would like to donate to the funeral costs and final goodbye.
Thank you!
Hola a todos
El martes 17 de agosto de 2021 mi hijo fue asesinado a tiros en Baltimore. Son tiempos muy duros en este momentos para mí como madre. Mi hijo tenía solo 15 años y dejaba atrás a dos hermanas gemelas. Mi hijo habría asistido a Digital Harbor High School en el próximo año escolar. Estaba deseando que comenzara su año de escuela secundaria y ahora planeaba su funeral. Le pregunto si le gustaría donar a los costos funerarios y el adescencia final.
As 5:30 p.m. Thursday more than 140 people helped generate more than $6,000.
"All of us from Highlandtown 237 have been donating," said Laycock. "I hope that offers his mom who started the gofundme a little bit of assurance as to just how loved her son was."