BALTIMORE, Md. — The shirts coming off of the press are the brainstorm of a pair of Baltimore women, Megan Shoup and Jen Cope, who started their own online clothing business a few years ago.
Both had cancer touch their lives in one way or another and wanted to give back.
“In October of this year, PressedUp launched our FIGHT charity campaign with a mission to give back and to let cancer patients know that they’re supported in their fight,” said Shoup, who is the company’s COO. “For every adult shirt sold, we will donate one of our super soft FIGHT shirts back to a cancer patient at Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center right here in Baltimore.”
In the midst of a pandemic, cancer patients are having to deal with their own battles---the radiation, chemotherapy and blood draws while fighting for their lives, and the hope is that the shirts can bring them a measure of comfort.
“These super soft shirts can make a patient feel more comfortable when they’re going through cancer treatment, but it’s also an emotional gift that lets them know that others support them in their fight,” noted Shoup.
Last month, the duo made their first special deliveries of 125 fight shirts, in addition to some fight masks, and their hoping that’s just the beginning.
“For our customers, they can shop with a purpose, and we like to use the tag-line ‘One purchase equals one donated’,” added Shoup.
You can get the shirts for the holidays and year round, by going to their website at