BALTIMORE — The next few months are packed with parties, but there are still some dangers you need to be aware of.
First, be sure to stay cool.
Men in their 60’s face a higher risk of dying from heart attacks or strokes on muggy summer evenings more than any other time of the year.
Researchers found that just a two degree rise in the average night-time temperature in June and July was linked to a five percent spike in deaths.
More people die on the roads in August than any other month.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, car accidents are more likely to happen on Fridays.
There are also more weather-related deaths this time of year. Lightning can strike up to 15 miles from the storm, so when you hear this, do this!
While you’re there, crank up the air conditioner.
On average, more people die from heat than any other weather condition in the U.S.
Last year 1,300 people lost their lives due to it.
The first signs of heat stroke are increased sweating and muscle cramps.