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Internal SAO memo appears to confirm defense accusation in case of Timothy Reynolds murder


"[Thiru Vignarajah] got his material from the line prosecutor," said J. Wyndal Gordon during a news conference Wednesday afternoon.

Gordon is representing the teenaged defendant facing murder charges for the death of Timothy Reynolds in July.

Vignarajah recently began representing the Reynolds family and holding press conferences releasing photos of the moments leading up to the scene and talking about the family's view of how the case has been handled.

Also on Wednesday, State's Attorney Marylin Mosby sent her staff a memo, that said in part,

"It pains me to have to remind you but on October 1, 2020, Senate Bill 0314 went into effect which impacted the confidential of records for juveniles charged as adults. In light of recent events in which shielded information of a juvenile's case was shared to outside counsel, I, unfortunately have to reiterate the importance of complying with Maryland Courts and Judicial Proceedings Section 3-8A-27 to protect the integrity of our cases and our reputations as ministers of justice."

She added, "each of you has an ethical obligation to ensure the confidentiality of juvenile records regardless of the charges the defendant may face."

On Thursday morning, a judge will hear arguments from both defense and prosecution that the case should be moved from adult court to juvenile court.

Maryland law currently requires the automatic charging of teens as adults in certain circumstances.