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Money Moves For 2023

Posted 11:11 AM, Dec 26, 2022
and last updated 8:53 PM, Dec 27, 2022

One of the most common resolutions in the new year is to get control of finances and wipe out debt. But it turns out, the odds are against us reaching our newly made financial goal. In fact, studies show 91 percent of us won’t keep our resolutions next year. Research even predicts which day you’re most likely to throw in the towel. January 19th has been dubbed ‘Quitters Day’. The best way to make it past that day is to have a plan and stick to it.

One of the best ways to stay on top of your financial goals is to take a look at what happened in 2022 and see if you can make any improvements by negotiating better rates with companies you already deal with.

“Look at your auto insurance. See if you can shop it around and save money, look at your homeowners. Start saving money annually. Look at, uh, all of your, not only your credit card statements, and your debit card statements. See what you could scale out,” says Jeannette Bajalia with Petros Financial Group.

Next, plan a daily five-minute money check-in. Every morning check your bank and credit cards apps to see how you are spending. This will make you more aware of your daily expenses and purchases.

Experts also say to be sure to pay yourself first. Set up a savings plan and make sure each time your paycheck is deposited, money is automatically put into your 401K or other savings plan. Another trick is to open multiple online savings accounts, like the capital one 360. This way you can deposit money each month into specific accounts, such as entertainment, home improvement, vacation, and children. Reward yourself with micro saving goals that encourage you to reward yourself monetarily for achieving other life goals.

Since most of us don’t carry cash, you can use this app to tip yourself. Every time you go to the gym, give yourself two dollars. If you finish a difficult task, add five dollars, and use this money to do or buy something for yourself.

Experts also say setting very specific money goals is key. For example, set goals with specific deadlines. This way, you will feel as though you are making headway.