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More money for fight Baltimore Crime

City gets nearly $8 million for crime prevention from Congress

Baltimore has gotten nearly a $8 million dollar boost to fight city crime.

In all, Congress is giving Baltimore $7.91 million in public safety investments.

$2 million will go to the city's 911 diversion program.

$2 million will go to upgrade Baltimore and BPD record keeping, and improving their early intervention system.

Other big focuses include improving BPD community collaboration, and BPD neighborhood policing.

Many of these parts are there to complete pieces of Baltimore police's consent decree.

Mayor Brandon Scott said these funds will help stop crimes before they happen, because in some situations they'll help people get the mental help they need before they commit a crime.

“How many other times have they interacted with government or some organization who simply did not have the resources or the ability or the training to help them that we could have prevented another act of violence from happening?” said Scott. “If our police department is actually able to have more time to respond, to be proactive, to be patrolling, to be walking in communities like my very own that had one of those incidents yesterday, then we could see less of these.”

Of the money coming to Baltimore, a little over $2.5 million will also go to city non-profits to help with things like violence prevention and crisis management.