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New phase of constructing Port Covington underway

Posted 11:55 PM, Jun 02, 2021
and last updated 11:55 PM, Jun 02, 2021

BALTIMORE — After years of planning, a new phase of constructing Port Covington is underway stirring excitement across South Baltimore.

You can see construction workers hard at work building something big for Baltimore.

Port Covington doesn't fit the mold of anything typical within the city. As the largest urban revitalization project in the country, the site will serve as the biggest boost to Baltimore's economy in the post-COVID era.

"Over 530 units of apartment housing, 400,000 square feet of office and over 100,000 square feet of retail. We're really excited about what's to come."

Marc Weller, the President and Founder of Weller Development says Port Covington's home couldn't be in a better place.

"Our location is literally unprecedented. We have 3 exits of 95 with 46 million cars a year going by. We literally couldn't ask for a better location," he said.

So far, the site will house five major buildings ranging from 3 to 8 stories, along with several gathering spots, 2 parks, and 10 acres of open space dedicated for public use.

Comparable in scale to Baltimore's Inner Harbor.

"The Inner Harbor draws 14 million visitors a year. We think we can add to that. We think we can help bring more visitors there and also bring 14 million plus visitors to Port Covington," Weller continued.

Developers are creating what they hope will be an urban water-fun neighborhood. Placing emphasis on inclusivity.

Making a commitment to ensure at least 20 percent of the housing on sight is both affordable and indistinguishable which was a major request from the South Baltimore community.

There's no doubt the development will generate funds for the 6 surrounding communities, and we've learned they've already seen some of the benefits firsthand. Making a $19 million contribution spread among the neighborhoods.

While offering a pipeline to job opportunities that give Baltimore citizens a hand up in creating their own future.

Developers tell us they're going to be building here for the next several months now. They're hoping to have things complete by December of 2022.