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Remember to share the road for Bike to Work Week


BALTIMORE — Bike to work week is coming up and MDOT is reminding drivers and bicyclists to share the road and practice traffic safety.

Thousands of Marylanders are expected to put their keys down and hop on a bike to celebrate the event, which takes place May 16-22.

In 2021, more than 10,000 people registered for these activities in the area. With more people commuting to work, more people are expected to register for the event.

MDOT SHA are asking those that participate to stay alert and put down any distractions.

During Bike to Work Week and every day, drivers should follow these rules to share the road with bicyclists:

  • Keep safe following distance.
  • Allow at least three feet of space when passing. It's the law.
  • Keep your eyes on the road and not the phone.
  • Look for bicyclists before opening a car door.

Bicyclists are reminded that safety is a two-way street, and are encouraged to always:

  • Stop at all red lights and stop signs.
  • Ride with traffic, never against it.
  • Use hand signals when turning or stopping
  • Wear a correctly-fitted helmet
  • Use marked bike lanes or paths when present