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Shooter of MTA bus driver receives life sentence


BALTIMORE — Cameron Silcott was sentenced for First Degree Murder for fatally shooting MTA Bus Driver Marcus Parks in 2020.

He shot the driver 10 times and has received life, plus 20 years in prison with the first five years ineligible for parole.

His accomplice, Nichelle Greene, plead guilty to First Degree Murder and will receive life.

On the morning of Oct. 8, 2020, Parks was driving an MTA bus when he stopped to pick up the two in the 1200 block of E. Fayette St. Silcott and Parks disagreed over bus fare and Parks told Silcott to exit the bus, but instead, he chose to sit in the back of the bus.

Parks announced to the two, the bus wasn't moving until police arrived. Greene also got into an argument with Parks and to retaliate she ran out of the bus with Parks' backpack.

She gave the backpack to Silcott and they ran into a playground. Parks met his demise when he chased the two.

Once in the playground, Silcott shot Parks multiple times in the head. Silcott and Greene then ran away from the scene, still carrying his backpack.