BALTIMORE — Six row homes in Baltimore City were involved in a fire Thursday night on South Payson Street.
According to Baltimore Fire, 10 people were displaced and there are no injuries to report.
Neighbors say they’re glad everyone made it out okay, when these homes went up in flames, but the damage left behind is much more than physical. They say this fire was 100 percent avoidable.
“Last night it was crazy I mean it just happened so fast,” said Ahmad Alhedari whose home suffered damage.
Alhedari watched things go from bad to worse, saying he saw smoke filling up a vacant home from the second floor and just minutes later, a massive scene.
While fire fighters haven’t identified an official cause, neighbors say they're sure they already know what happened.
Residents along Payson Street claim they’ve been battling an issue with trespassers and squatters going in and out of the homes for months fearing the crimes committed lately would only escalate.
Frustration doesn’t begin to describe what residents are left with as they’re forced to make up for their losses.
Fire officials say they’re continuing their investigation into the fire.