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'They made themselves at home': Intruders trash Baltimore Guardian Angel Headquarters

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BALTIMORE — “They made themselves at home.”

That's what the leader of Baltimore Guardian Angels says about intruders who trashed their headquarters for the 3rd time in 10 years.

The organization that spent decades providing security and support for the community is now needing it.

After more than 2 decades of donating time, money, and energy to the community as Baltimore's top Guardian angel, Marcus Strider is fed up and frustrated.

He walked us through their facility that was trashed by intruders and showed us room-by-room the grim reality he faced on Mother's day.

"There was a guy sitting on the couch drinking that cup of coffee watching that television looking at me as if I just walked into his home."

He says what caught him of guard was beyond his presence alone--it was his calm unbothered demeanor..

“That guy had no fear, no fear at all,” said Strider.

He walked us to the conference room where the group holds meetings and teaches weekly self defense classes, trashed as well.

The awards and recognition the group received over the years were destroyed and displaced.

You can see knocked over boxes, trash everywhere, and left over cups form royal farms just up the road.

Strider says the intrusion leaves him feeling violated and the fact criminals were this comfortable points to a bigger issue across Baltimore.

"The people who came in here for whatever time it took them to do this damage, they had no fear. There are no consequences,” he told us.

He says the results of turning a blind eye to petty crimes has consequences of its own.

“Does this look petty to you? You see the entire building. This is a church of God, how petty is it?” Strider questioned.

It'll be a while before the group can continue their community service at their headquarters but they say they'll get back to work on the streets as soon as they can adding they'd appreciate all the help they can get from the community.