BALTIMORE COUNTY — Baltimore County announced the availability of vaccines today for kids 6 months through 4-years-old.
The vaccine clinics will be held at health centers around the county with appointments convenient for parents and caregivers with varying schedules.
Some clinics will even feature special guests like Peppa Pig and Winnie the Pooh.
Parents will have a choice between Moderna and Pfizer and start the vaccine process with their little ones as soon as doors opened.
"We've been waiting and watching the time, we've watched side effects, talked to doctors, we thought it was important for her to get it because covid passes a lot quicker in the schools," said Diana Carter, caregiver.
"We asked her pediatrician before we did it, talked with her and she said as soon as you can get it you should get it," said Carter.
An appointment is needed for health centers.