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Waterfront partnership’s healthy harbor initiative installs turtle island

Pet turtles blamed for multistate salmonella outbreak

BALTIMORE — Waterfront Partnership of Baltimore in partnership with the National Aquarium, Clearwater Mills, and Living Classrooms Foundation, announced the installation of a turtle island in the Baltimore Harbor. The floating habitat platform, installed in a canal along Lancaster Street, provides the public an opportunity to observe dozens of turtles basking in the sun.

The new turtle island creates a basking habitat provided by fallen shoreline trees, a constructed island that provides shallow water habitat for sleeping turtles, and marsh habitat for young and hatchling turtles.

“Visitors and city residents can sit on nearby benches, observe these charismatic reptiles, and ideally develop an interest in the wellbeing of our Harbor and these urban-adapted species," Dr. Micah Miles, staff scientist at the Waterfront Partnership of Baltimore said.

In addition to the new turtle island, Waterfront Partnership’s Healthy Harbor Initiative will install bird houses, bat boxes, and insect hotels along the waterfront. It’s all part of the organization’s goal of making the Baltimore Harbor a safe and healthy place for people and wildlife.