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What's the secret to life? Baltimore woman celebrates 100th birthday


BALTIMORE — When Mrs. Marjorie Virginia Parker was born, Warren G. Harding was President of the United States, and gas cost .25 a gallon.

That was 1922.

Now, she's turning 100 years old.

She has seen a lot in this world – Pearl Harbor attacks, Great Depression, segregation, Jackie Robinson, Babe Ruth in his prime, and many U.S. Presidents.

Family celebrates Mrs. Parker 100 years

On Monday, her friends and family held a surprise party for her.

The lifelong Marylander grew up in Ridgely over in Caroline County and was one of nine children.

After high school, she moved to Baltimore, got a job, got married and had three children.

One of her grandsons said he's learned a lot from her, especially how to respect others.

"She taught me to say, 'Yes, sir. Yes, ma'am,' you know, treat people like you want to be treated," Michael Parker said. "And that's what I've been doing all my life. And so far, so good. God have blessed me to be 63 years old, from treating people with respect."

Mrs. Marjorie Parker said she's only made it this far because of her faith.

“It's a different life getting to that age, but if you know God, you can make it because God got to be there with you to lead you and guide you through the worst, and to do good,” Mrs. Parker said.

Her family calls her the energizer bunny because she's always ready to go and do something, and have fun doing it.