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‘Wow another one?’ String of ATM thefts causing concern across Baltimore City and County


BALTIMORE COUNTY, Md. — Tuesday morning’s attempt is a part of larger trend raising serious concerns for ATM users on both sides of Baltimore's county line.

"How you gonna try to take an ATM machine out? You can’t get the money out unless you got the code. You got dynamite to blow the machine the machine up to get the money out?” questioned Freddie Bullock who works close to the attempted ATM theft in Cockeysville.

Thieves yanked another ATM out of its place Tuesday morning hoping to steal the money at Wesbanco off of York Road.

It happened just over 15 miles and 5 days away from last week’s target Security Square Mall.

“I heard about the one at Security and then I heard about the one in Cockeysville so it moving around. All I wanna tell people is be safe,” said Bullock.

The only difference is police made an arrest in Tuesday morning attempt while police say 2 other individuals involved got away.

Folks living and working nearby are puzzled after watching their neighborhood bank in the headlines.

“That’s crazy man, I know at the Sunoco down the street, they tried to take the ATM machine out of there about two weeks ago. They drove through the front gate but I’m not sure exactly how this one worked out but that’s crazy. I’ve grown up in this area lived here my whole life and it seems to be happening more and more,” James Lundquist shared.

Police in Baltimore County and Baltimore City together tally at least 15 ATM thefts and attempts so far this year.

Three happened in Baltimore County in October so far while at least seven were recorded in Baltimore City within the last two months.

Half of those smash and grabs in Baltimore City involved a vehicle.

Some ATM users are taking notice and as a result they’re choosing not to use an ATM at all.

“Cant go to your own bank where someone’s trying to steal something from you. You got to just be careful. That’s how I feel about this,” said Bullock.

“I don’t want to be getting money and next thing you know somebody knows okay this dudes got money whether it be 20 bucks or 120 bucks and boom lets get him,” Grube said.

While they have safety concerns for themselves and their loved ones, they’re struggling to understand the mindset of those behind the ATM thefts.

Risking your life to go to jail for some money that doesn’t belong to you. Get a job like everyone else out here,” said Bullock

“Is it worth it for you know in the end, crime doesn’t pay,” Grube said.