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Free online tools and tips to make job hunting easier


ORLANDO, Fla. --- There are more than 5.7 million people looking for a job right now. Between the long hours scouring job boards, personalizing cover letters, and updating your resume, job hunting can feel like a full-time job. And trying to navigate the over 11 million job openings can make it even more overwhelming. But there are some free online tools that can make looking for a job easier.

On average, each corporate job offer attracts 250 resumes. Of those candidates, four to six will get called for an interview and only one will get the job! So that’s why applying to more than one is a must. But filling out applications and updating cover letters can be overwhelming.

Text blaze can save you time by storing pre-saved messages and wording that you can use and customize for each application. Microsoft editor is a browser extension that scans your documents and highlight any errors.

About 77 percent of hiring managers said in a Career Builder survey that typos on a resume was an instant deal breaker. And if you ever wondered if your emailed application was ever opened you can check with MailTrack. The chrome browser extension works with Gmail to let you know if your email was opened and how many times it was. Giving you the tools to land your next job.

If you want to send a resume to a company but they have no job openings advertised, you can use the tools Contact Out or Discoverly to find the contact information of a specific person, such as the person in charge of recruitment.