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2018 legislative session kicks off in Annapolis

and last updated

Governor Larry Hogan is starting his 4th legislative session and he has set a lofty agenda for himself.

RELATED: Priorities for 2018 MD General Assembly include tax reform, health care, crime reduction

" We are probably submitting a more aggressive legislative package this time than we ever have before...", says Governor Hogan.  Part of that package of bills involves term limits for Maryland lawmakers.
" I don't think our founding fathers ever envisioned these professional politicians that spend their whole career in office.", says Governor Hogan." We have rampant partisanship, nothing ever gets done. I think people are ready for  a change."
Before the session started Governor Hogan announced he wants to have an independent office look at school expenditures in the state.
PG county, Baltimore County and Baltimore City, the governor says, are among the jurisdictions that have not used their education money wisely. Hogan says, "The real issue is the lack of accountability and mismanagement of the money we are providing for the schools.
In many cases, it is not getting down to the classrooms. Baltimore City is number one out of all the school system in all 50 states on administrative cost."
Baltimore city Senator Nathaniel Oaks was present and accounted for today in the Senate Chamber even though, according to FBI reports, Oaks has admitted to taking more than $15,000 in bribes. President of Senate Mike Miller says Oaks should have his day in court before sanctions are taken against Oaks, Governor Hogan feels otherwise.
" ...and when you already admitted to bribery, selling your office and personal enrichment at the expense of the taxpayers you should be representing the district.", says Hogan," You should resign, the Senate does have the power to remove him from office and that's what they should do."
The governor has 28 bills on his legislative agenda. We'll see just how effective he is 89 days from now on April 9th, the last day of this legislative session.