

Gov. Hogan voices support for BOOST program on Non-Public School Advocacy Day

Posted at 4:22 PM, Mar 02, 2017

Lawmakers met at Lawyer's Mall in Annapolis to support the BOOST private school voucher program for Non-Public School Advocacy Day on Thursday.

Governor Larry Hogan made an appearance to voice his support of the program. Last year he allocated $5 million to assist non-public schools, and this year he wants designate $10 million for the program.

"We think it was a great program that helped a lot of kids, and as I've always said, I don't care what side of the isle the ideas come from, you know, if they're good ideas, we want to push for them," Hogan said. "It helped many of these kids out here and we just want to give a couple million to help even more kids get a great education."

Opponents say Maryland's Public Schools need all the money they can get and do not want to see any school money go toward private schools.

RELATED: Local politicians want to elminate private school voucher program