

Volunteers help wounded war veteran upgrade his home and yard


The Home Depot Foundation partnered with Truckin4Troops to transform the home of Army veteran Luis Rosa. He was severely wounded in an IED explosion during his second tour in Iraq.

He remained hospitalized for nearly 18 months following the incident, losing both legs, one arm, sight in one eye and his hearing in the process.

Luis enjoys spending time his wife and children, and is in need of assistance to make his yard safer and more accessible.

He looked in to doing it on his own.

"There was no way I could have done that. I would have to take out a lone and get into more debt," Said Rosa.

More than 45 members of Team Depot, The Home Depot's associate-led volunteer force, showed up at his house to upgrade his yard on their day off.

Laura Gibson has been with Home Depot for 24 years.

She says, "It's unbelievable how we can bring a sea of orange associates out here and transform their yards, their homes, that means so much. It's the best feeling in the world really."

Rosa is grateful for the team who came out and transformed his yard.

"I'm gaining everything.  I'm gaining a greater peace of mind, a greater quality of life. It’s just really nice," said Rosa.

This project in Pasadena is part of The Home Depot's annual Celebration of Service campaign to improve the homes and lives of U.S. military veterans and their families.