

Baltimore City gets first fast-charging station


Baltimore City took a step into the future of electric cars Wednesday with the unveiling of the city's first fast-charging station for electric cars. It sits at the intersection of Gay Street and Lexington Street.

Instead of taking six hours to fully charge a car, like the charging stations already in place throughout parts of the city, the fast-charging station charges a car in just 30 minutes.

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake says the fast-charging station is not only good for electric car users, but will promote the fiscal and physical health of Baltimore City in the long run.

"Electric vehicles are keeping harmful tailpipe emissions out of our air, and they're reducing our reliance on fossil fuels, " Rawlings-Blake says. "Both of those are goals of a sustainable city."

Currently, there are about 20 fast-charging stations in place throughout the state. 

On Wednesday, the city also unveiled a fleet of four electric cars to promote clean air throughout Baltimore.