

Baltimore Ravens and Verizon team up to sponsor Golf Tournament supporting House of Ruth

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The Baltimore Ravens and Verizon, partners of the House of Ruth, came together to create the Network of Champions Golf Tournament to raise money for the organization.

Current and Former Baltimore Ravens Players Qadry Ismail, Hamal Lewis, Sam Koch and Ben Watson will show their skills on the Waverly Woods Golf Course Tuesday.

Verizon will present a $25,000 check to the House of Ruth Tuesday evening at the tournament.

Verizon has supported the organization through their HopeLine where they collect donated phones, batteries, chargers and accessories to benefit victims and survivors of domestic violence.

"We do a lot of work in providing direct services to victims of intimate partner violence, everything from an emergency shelter, to counseling and therapy sessions for women and their children, to other kinds of legal services, hotline services. So the money will go directly to provide those kind of support," Sandi Timmins, Executive Director of the House of Ruth Maryland said.

Timmins says domestic violence is still a taboo today. The situation is dire. Statistics reveal this problem is more prominent than breast cancer.

One in four women will be in an abusive relationship at some point in their life.

The key is recognizing the warning signs and seeking help if needed.

"It takes a lot for women to come out of the shadows, to reach out for help, the community does not naturally embrace supporting women in these situations. We too often say to her, 'Why don't you just leave?' When in truth it's a hugely complex issue," Timmins explained abusive partners emotionally and psychologically control and manipulate their significant other.

They also control finances and isolate their victim from any support network they have.

"Violence often is the last or the most powerful tool that's used, and we also know when a woman is getting ready to leave a situation that most powerful tool comes into play and she's in the most danger," Timmins said.

Friends and family members of victims, and those who need help can go online, call the hotline at 410-889-7884, or walk into any courthouse and ask for an attorney, who will work with them immediately.

The Tournament is a closed event that begins at 11 a.m. and runs until 7 p.m. The House of Ruth hopes this is the start of a new signature, annual event.

The House of Ruth is always accepting donations, online and through community events. They are working to build a community center in Baltimore, hoping to educate neighbors and break the cycle of violence.