
Baltimore teacher raising money to take school to see Black Panther


Black Panther continues to dominate the box office and a local teacher wants all of the students at his school to see the film.

Baltimore City teacher Aaron Maybin made headlines when he posted a video of his kids wearing their coats in a heat-less school, now he's looking for help to take his kids to the movies. Maybin is a former NFL player and now teaches at Matthew A. Henson Elementary in West Baltimore.

He is asking for help to raise money so every kid at Henson Elementary can go see Black Panther.

It doesn't look like he has started a GoFundMe page just yet, but Orioles center fielder Adam Jones reached out to Maybin on social media asking how he can help. Actress Brie Larson also reached out to Maybin saying she'll help in any way she can.

There is a nationwide effort through GoFundMe called the Black Panther Challenge, this challenge aims to pay for students to see the movie. So far 400 pages have raised more than $600,000, including one school in Baltimore.