NewsRegionBaltimore City


Brandon Scott filing resolution calling on Mayor Young to issue executive order requiring residents wear masks

Posted 6:48 PM, Apr 13, 2020
and last updated 3:25 AM, Apr 14, 2020

BALTIMORE — Baltimore City Council President Brandon Scott filed a resolution to call on Mayor Jack Young to issue an executive order requiring residents and visitors to wear masks in the city while out in public.

The resolution passed unanimously and will now be sent to Mayor Young in which he'll decide to issue an executive order or not.

Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and its effects on the city, the City Council is recommending the following actions:

  • Mayor Young issue an Executive Order requiring all Businesses deemed to be “essential” in Baltimore implement social distancing requirements limiting the amount of consumers in each establishment
  • Mayor Young issue an Executive Order requiring all Baltimoreans and visitors to Baltimore wear mask or other facial covering while conducting activities deemed to be “essential” or traveling beyond their residential property
  • Mayor Young issue an Executive Order requiring all City of Baltimore employees to wear mask while on City of Baltimore property

Scott and city council is also calling on Mayor Young to require all businesses deemed “essential” in Baltimore City immediately implement social distance measures for customers and to require all residents wear masks while participating in permitted activities.

The Mayor's Office said in a statement:

“We are reviewing what Prince George’s and Montgomery County have instituted and considering our position.”