A Code Red Heat Advisory has been issued in Baltimore effective Thursday through Saturday.
Temperatures could feel like 105 degrees Thursday, followed by extreme heat stretching into the weekend.
“Heat is a silent killer and a public health threat, particularly for the young, the elderly and those in our city who are the most vulnerable,” Baltimore City Health Commissioner Dr. Wen said in a statement. “With this period of extreme heat expected, it is important for all residents to protect against hyperthermia and dehydration. Please be cautious and remember to stay cool and hydrated.”
Code Red alerts are issued when temperatures are severe enough to put the health of vulnerable citizens at risk
The following cooling centers will be open Thursday and Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
• Northern Community Action Partnership Center: 5225 York Road, (410) 396-6084
• Southern Community Action Partnership Center: 606 Cherry Hill Road (inside the shopping center 2nd floor), (410) 545-0900
• Northwest Community Action Partnership Center: 3939 Reisterstown Road, (443) 984-1384
• Southeastern Community Action Partnership Center: 3411 Bank Street, (410) 545-6510
• Eastern Community Action Partnership Center: 1400 E. Federal Street, (410) 545-0136
The Health Department’s Division of Aging and CARE Services will open the following senior centers from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday and Friday:
• Waxter Center for Senior Citizens: 1000 Cathedral Street, (410) 396-1324
• Oliver Center: 1700 Gay Street, (410) 396-3861
• Sandtown-Winchester Senior Center: 1601 N. Baker Street, (410) 396-7724
• Hatton Center: 2825 Fait Avenue, (410) 396-9025 John Booth 2601 E. Baltimore St., (410) 396-9202
• Zeta Center: 4501 Reisterstown Rd., (410) 396-3535
Residents are advised to take the following precautions:
• Drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol and caffeine Reduce outside activities and stay inside in air-conditioned locations
• Never leave children or pets alone in closed vehicles, even for short periods of time
• Check on older, sick, or frail neighbors who may need help responding to the heat
• Watch out for signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke, which include:
o Confusion
o Hot, dry, flushed skin or cool and clammy skin
o Lightheadedness
o Nausea
o Call 911 immediately if any of these symptoms occur
City residents who want information on the closest cooling center or who are concerned about a neighbor can call 311.
The Anne Arundel County Department of Aging and Disabilities will open the following cooling centers during normal business hours from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday and Friday. Visiting children must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
- Annapolis Senior Center: 119 South Villa Avenue, Annapolis
- Arnold Senior Center: 44 Church Rd, Arnold
- Brooklyn Park Senior Center: 202 Hammonds Lane, Brooklyn Park
- O'Malley Senior Center: 1275 Odenton Road, Odenton
- Pasadena Senior Center: 4103 Mountain Road, Pasadena
- Pascal Senior Center: 125 Dorsey Road, Glen Burnie
- South County Senior Center: 27 Stepneys Lane, Edgewater
- Annapolis Regional Library: 1410 West Street, Annapolis
- Broadneck Community Library: 1275 Green Holly Drive, Annapolis
- Brooklyn Park Community Library: 1 East 11th Avenue, Baltimore
- Crofton Community Library: 1681 Riedel Road, Crofton
- Deale Community Library: 5940 Deale-Churchton Road, Deale
- Eastport-Annapolis Neck Community Library: 269 Hillsmere Drive, Annapolis
- Edgewater Community Library: 25 Stepneys Lane, Edgewater
- Glen Burnie Regional Library: 1010 Eastway, Glen Burnie
- Linthicum Community Library: 400 Shipley Road, Linthicum
- Maryland City at Russett Community Library: 3501 Russett Common, Laurel
- Mountain Road Community Library: 4730 Mountain Road, Pasadena
- Odenton Regional Library: 1325 Annapolis Road, Odenton
- Riviera Beach Community Library: 1130 Duvall Highway, Pasadena
- Severn Community Library: 2624 Annapolis Road, Severn
- Severna Park Community Library: 45 West McKinsey Road, Severna Park
- Northern District: 939 Hammonds Lane, Baltimore
- Eastern District: 204 Pasadena Rd, Pasadena
- Western District: 8273 Telegraph Road, Odenton
- Southern District: 35 Stepneys Lane, Edgewater
Annapolis Mayor Michael Pantelides said Thursday the city will open the Pip Moyer Recreation Center Thursday through Sunday as a cooling center.
The center, at 273 Hilltop Lane, will be open until 9 p.m. Thursday and from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Friday through Sunday.
Residents using the facility as a cooling center will not have access to recreation activities.
Howard County officials also issued a heat advisory for Thursday, and encouraged residents in need of a cooler environment to visit one of the county libraries or one of the county's 50+ centers.
Residents experiencing the signs of heat exhaustion or heat stroke should call 911.
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